Editions Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Ross BlecknerThe Water Lilies (C.M.)$6,000 Donald BaechlerBlack Flowers$16,000 Kenny ScharfZolitarie$1,800 Alex KatzBeauty 6 Alex KatzBeauty 5$3,000** Alex KatzBeauty 4 Alex KatzBeauty 3 Alex KatzBeauty 2 Alex KatzBeauty 1 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 9 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 8$14,000 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 6$20,000 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 5 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 4 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 3 Alex KatzCoca-Cola Girl 2$16,000 Alex KatzVivien and Vincent (Outline)$330,000* Alex KatzDancers (Outline)$330,000* Alex KatzDancer 1 (Outline)$300,000* Alex KatzDancer 2 (Outline)$300,000* Alex KatzDancer 3 (Outline)$300,000* Alex KatzDancer 4 (Outline)$300,000* Nicole WittenbergLermond Pond Ugo RondinoneSmall Sun 2 Return to top