Editions Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Alex KatzWhite Impatiens Alex KatzAriel (Red) Alex KatzDaniel$7,500 Alex KatzDaniel (Black and White)$4,000 Alex KatzDay$2,000 Alex KatzNight$2,000 Alex KatzShopping Crowd 4 Alex KatzShopping Crowd 3 Alex KatzShopping Crowd 2 Alex KatzShopping Crowd 1 Deborah KassOY / YO Alex KatzShopper 18 Alex KatzShopper 17 Alex KatzShopper 16$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 15$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 14$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 13$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 12$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 11$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 10$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 9$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 8$25,000 Alex KatzShopper 7 Alex KatzShopper 6 Return to top