Editions Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Face), Right$5,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Lily)$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Orchid) VIII$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Orchid) VII, Right$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Ricochel) XVI$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Orchid) IV$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Orchid) III$3,000 Thomas FlorschuetzUntitled (Orchid) VII, Left$3,000 Liu YeUntitled (Dreaming Boy) Liu YeUntitled (Crying Girl) Crash (John Matos)Storm$300 Crash (John Matos)Cyclops$300 Crash (John Matos)Wolverine$300 Crash (John Matos)Magneto$300 Mary HeilmannEarth and Air$2,000** Donald BaechlerDreamsicle + 2 Cones$2,000* Donald SultanFive Objects, Sept 12, 1999$2,500 Donald SultanFive Objects, Sept 10, 1999$2,500 Donald SultanFive Objects, Sept 15, 1999$2,500 Donald SultanFive Objects, Sept 18, 1999$2,500 Peter HalleySilver on Silver$2,000 Peter HalleyBlack on Black$2,500 Peter HalleyGold on Silver$2,000 Joe AndoeWeimaraner (Blue on Black)$8,000 Return to top