Editions Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Alex KatzVincent 2 Alex KatzVincent 1 Alex KatzRob Alex KatzPerry Alex KatzEric Donald SultanMimosa, Sept 29, 2021$9,000 Alex KatzVivien in White Coat Donald SultanOrange and Green, June 17, 2021$10,000 Alex KatzPorcelain Beauty 2 Alex KatzPorcelain Beauty 1 Donald SultanMimosa with Red, 2021$14,000 Alex KatzBig Smile (Vivien)$12,000 Nicole WittenbergThe Cove$2,000 Kenny ScharfBig Flores Yellow Kenny ScharfBig Flores Blue Kenny ScharfBig Flores Green Kenny ScharfFurungle 6 (Red) Kenny ScharfFurungle 5 (Orange) Kenny ScharfFurungle 4 (Green) Kenny ScharfFurungle 3 (Gold) Kenny ScharfFurungle 2 (Blue) Kenny ScharfFurungle 1 (Black) David SalleOverunder (Yellow)$5,000 David SalleOverunder (White)$5,000 Return to top