Editions Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Kenny ScharfFlores Magenta Kenny ScharfFlores Green Kenny ScharfFlores Blue Alex KatzTwilight$9,000 Alex KatzSunset 3$10,000 Alex KatzSunset 2$9,000* Alex KatzSunset 1 Alex KatzSunrise$9,000 Deborah KassYO Deborah KassOY Alex KatzAda X 2 Alex KatzDecember (Ada) Donald SultanWhite Lantern Flowers, 2020$16,000 Donald SultanBlue Lantern Flowers, 2020$16,000 Donald SultanRed Lantern Flowers, 2020$16,000 Alex KatzDancer 2 (Cutout)$22,000 Alex KatzHomage to Degas$15,000 Alex KatzYellow Flags 3 Alex KatzBlue Umbrella 2 Donald SultanBig Blue Poppies, 2019$100,000* Alex KatzDancer 3$18,000 Alex KatzDancer 2$18,000 Alex KatzDancer 1$16,000 Ross BlecknerFloating Red$6,000 Return to top