Suites & Portfolios Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Alex KatzYou Smile and the Angels SingPortfolio of 11: $25,000View PortfolioAdaAhnAlbaBelindaJessicaKatrynKarenLaurenLysaUrsulaYvonne Alex KatzAda PortfolioPortfolio of 10: $25,000View PortfolioAda 1Ada 2Ada 3Ada 4Ada 5Ada 6Ada 7Ada 8Ada 9Ada 10 Alex KatzChanceSuite of 3View SuiteChance 1 (Anne)Chance 2 (Vivien)Chance 3 (Darinka) Alex KatzShopping CrowdSuite of 4View SuiteShopping Crowd 1Shopping Crowd 2Shopping Crowd 3Shopping Crowd 4 Donald BaechlerSix RosesPortfolio of 6View PortfolioYellow RoseRed RoseBlue RosePeach RoseBrown RoseViolet Rose Alex KatzShoppers #1-18Portfolio of 18: $270,000View PortfolioShopper 1Shopper 2Shopper 3Shopper 4Shopper 5Shopper 6Shopper 7Shopper 8Shopper 9Shopper 10Shopper 11Shopper 12Shopper 13Shopper 14Shopper 15Shopper 16Shopper 17Shopper 18 Alex KatzBlack DressPortfolio of 9View PortfolioCecilySharonYiOonaYvonneUllaRuthCarmenChristy Enoc PerezGlass House ISuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House II (Yellow), IGlass House III (Gray), IGlass House I (Blue), IGlass House IV (Red), I Enoc PerezGlass House RTPSuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), RTPGlass House II (Yellow), RTPGlass House III (Gray), RTPGlass House IV (Red), RTP Benjamin GuffeeAbove, Around, Beneath, ThroughSuite of 4: $1,800View SuiteAbove IIAround IIBeneath IIThrough II Nicole WittenbergIntimatesSuite of 3: $2,500View SuiteIntimates IIntimates IIIntimates III Donald SultanReversal PoppiesPortfolio of 6View PortfolioAqua and Black, Nov 6, 2015Blue and Black, Nov 6, 2015White and Black, Nov 6, 2015Yellow and Black, Nov 6, 2015Silver and Black, Nov 6, 2015Red and Black, Nov 6, 2015 Enoc PerezGlass House PP IISuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), PP IIGlass House II (Yellow), PP IIGlass House III (Gray), PP IIGlass House IV (Red), PP II Enoc PerezGlass House VSuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), VGlass House II (Yellow), VGlass House III (Gray), VGlass House IV (Red), V Enoc PerezGlass House IIISuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), IIIGlass House II (Yellow), IIIGlass House III (Gray), IIIGlass House IV (Red), III Enoc PerezGlass House AP IVSuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), AP IVGlass House II (Yellow), AP IVGlass House III (Gray), AP IVGlass House IV (Red), AP IV Enoc PerezGlass House HC ISuite of 4: $7,500View SuiteGlass House I (Blue), HC IGlass House II (Yellow), HC IGlass House III (Gray), HC IGlass House IV (Red), HC I Donald SultanTulips and Vase, Feb 25 & 26, 2014Suite of 2View SuiteBlack Tulips and Vase, Feb 26, 2014White Tulips and Vase, Feb 25, 2014 Donald SultanButton FlowersSuite of 3: $7,500View SuiteButton Flower Aqua, Sept 15, 2014Button Flower Red, Sept 16, 2014Button Flower Yellow, Sept 17, 2014 Donald SultanBig PoppiesSuite of 3: $32,000*View SuiteBig Red, Sept 14, 2014Big Blue, Sept 10, 2014Big Yellow, Sept 12, 2014 Alex KatzSix PortraitsPortfolio of 6: $30,000*View PortfolioElizabeth 1Elizabeth 2Elizabeth 3ChristineMeghanJavier Deborah KassThe Deb SuiteSuite of 4: $8,500View SuiteBlue DebYellow DebRed DebSilver Deb Donald SultanLantern Flowers, May 10, 2012Portfolio of 8: $18,000View PortfolioRed, May 10, 2012Aqua, May 10, 2012Blue, May 10, 2012Coral, May 10, 2012Purple, May 10, 2012White, May 10, 2012Yellow, May 10, 2012Olive, May 10, 2012 Donald SultanLantern FlowersSuite of 2View SuiteBlack and Red, Feb 15, 2012White and Red, Feb 14, 2012 Return to top