Suites & Portfolios Filter All EditionsAll EditionsOriginalsSuites & Portfolios Ernest TrovaToysPortfolio of 7: $5,000View PortfolioSheriffNativeNative with SpearCowboyHockey PlayerThe ItalianRobot Donald SultanSmoke Rings (Large)Portfolio of 6View PortfolioSmoke Rings, Feb 7, 2001Smoke Rings, Feb 8, 2001Smoke Rings, Feb 14, 2001Smoke Rings, Feb 13, 2001Smoke Rings, Feb 10, 2001Smoke Rings, Feb 12, 2001 Donald SultanSmoke Rings (Small)Suite of 4View SuiteSmoke Rings, Aug 13, 2001Smoke Rings, June 6, 2001Smoke Rings, Nov 12, 2001Smoke Rings, Dec 2, 2001 Liu YeUntitled (Boy and Girl)Suite of 2: Sold OutView SuiteUntitled (Crying Girl)Untitled (Dreaming Boy) Crash (John Matos)X-MenSuite of 4: $1,000View SuiteMagnetoWolverineCyclopsStorm Peter HalleyWallpaper PrintsSuite of 3: $5,000View SuiteGold on SilverBlack on BlackSilver on Silver Donald SultanFive ObjectsSuite of 4: $9,000View SuiteFive Objects, Sept 18, 1999Five Objects, Sept 15, 1999Five Objects, Sept 10, 1999Five Objects, Sept 12, 1999 Joe AndoeSmall DogsSuite of 3: $8,500View SuiteSmall Dog (Red)Small Dog (Putty)Small Dog (Dark Chocolate) Joe AndoeMedium DogsSuite of 3: $6,000View SuiteMedium Dog (Rust)Medium Dog (Olive Green on Byzantine Gold)Medium Dog (Olive Brown) Joe AndoeTwo HorsesSuite of 2: $4,000View SuiteTwo Horses, 1Two Horses, 2 Joe AndoePoodleSuite of 3: $2,000View SuiteFrench Poodle (Red)French Poodle (Blue)French Poodle (Black) Joe AndoeLarge DogsSuite of 3: $6,000View SuiteLarge Dog (Graphite on Silver)Large Dog (Midnight Blue)Large Dog (Burgundy) Julian SchnabelPortraitsSuite of 3: $11,000View SuiteJose Luis FerrerXavier MascaroNemo Librizzi Julian SchnabelView of Dawn in the TropicsSuite of 4: $20,000View SuiteBandini (His Foe Pursued)Allen (Cordial Love)Guiseppe (Brooding on the Vast Abyss)Roy Ross BlecknerPSSuite of 3: $10,000View SuitePS, IPS, IIPS, III Ross BlecknerJust BecauseSuite of 3: $10,000View SuiteJust Because, IJust Because, IIJust Because, III Ross BlecknerHappiness for InstanceSuite of 3: $10,000View SuiteHappiness for Instance, IHappiness for Instance, IIHappiness for Instance, III Ross BlecknerDream and DoSuite of 3: $10,000View SuiteDream and Do, IDream and Do, IIDream and Do, III Joe AndoeCrowSuite of 2: $2,500View SuiteCrow, 1Crow, 2 Ernest TrovaPersona / EtcPortfolio of 8: $4,000View PortfolioMeditatoPersonaeOrtusOtto DictionGeneral EPSalutationAfter PersonaeCoda Joe AndoeHorse X 12Portfolio of 12View PortfolioHorse X 12 (Red)Horse X 12 (White)Horse X 12 (Purple)Horse X 12 (White Reversal)Horse X 12 (Tiffany Blue)Horse X 12 (Black)Horse X 12 (Blue)Horse X 12 (Yellow)Horse X 12 (Brown)Horse X 12 (Gold Reversal)Horse X 12 (Green)Horse X 12 (Pink) Joe AndoeThree LandscapesSuite of 3: $4,000View SuiteThree Landscapes, 1Three Landscapes, 2Three Landscapes, 3 Julian SchnabelSexual Spring-Like WinterPortfolio of 6View PortfolioLa Blusa Rosa ILa Blusa Rosa IIOtono FloralInviernosexoprimaveralInvierno PrimaveralMujer Primaveral Julian SchnabelLast Attempt at Attracting ButterfliesSuite of 4: $18,000View SuiteLast Attempt at Attracting Butterflies, ILast Attempt at Attracting Butterflies, IILast Attempt at Attracting Butterflies, IIILast Attempt at Attracting Butterflies, IV Return to top